A man sits in a restaurant and cries.

A man sits in a restaurant and cries. The waiter comes and asks what happened. The man replies: “My wife told me that she wouldn’t talk to me for a month.” The waiter replies, “Oh no, that’s horrible!” Man: “Yes!!! (Sobs) Today that month is over.”

A man and his wife have to go to a doctor

A man and his wife have to go to a doctor. The doctor asks, “Do you share the same blood group?”

The husband replies, “We must by now. She’s been sucking my blood for years.”

A wife got so mad at her husband

A wife got so mad at her husband she packed his bags and told him to get out. As he walked to the door she yelled, “I hope you die a long, slow, painful death.” He turned around and said, “So, you want me to stay?”

Complete or Finish me Kya Fark Hota hai

पत्नी अंग्रेजी की किताब पढ़ रही थी.

उसने अपने पति से पूछा:
अजी सुनिए, ये Complete और Finish में क्या फर्क होता है?

अगर शादी सही लड़की से हो गयी तो समझो की जिंदगी Complete
और अगर गलत लड़की से हो गयी तो समझो की जिंदगी Finish…

Pati Ko Pani Pilaao – Husband Wife Jokes

पति : पानी पिलाओ

पत्नी पानी लेने गयी, तब तक पति सो गया ,
पत्नी सारी रात पानी का गिलास पकड़े खड़ी रही ,

सुबह जब पति की आँख खुली तो देख के बहुत खुश हुआ
और बोला मांगो क्या मांगती हो ?

पत्नी : तलाक दे दे कमीने!!